Answers to your questions

How do I register with your programme ?

It's an easy process, firstly register yourself with us, then fill in the required details and choose the plan and do the payment and begin with us

How is the online consultation different ? How will it work ?

No difference apart from the fact that you will interact with her over phone/ skype/ facetime and email instead of meeting her personally. The entire pattern remains the same as her regular packages. In fact many of our Mumbai based clients also opt for video chats for their appointments.

What do I do after the program is over ? How will I continue ?

Since ours is more of an educational program, you will learn the basic pattern of eating as per your body's requirements and your lifestyle. During your active package, your diets will be changed roughly every 2 weeks so that your body gets exposed to the maximum nutrients possible. You will be also be actively involved in planning your diets, so that will give you an understanding of your nutrient needs & how to tweak your diet (depending on your activity & lifestyle). By the end of your program, you will be in a position to plan your diets by yourself & carry on with a healthy eating pattern as a way of life.

How soon will I see results ?

Results' is an ambiguous term in our dictionary. Just as eating wrong has an immediate effect on the body, so does eating correct. It might not be a measurable effect (read weighing scale) but you will start feeling better, more energetic and shrunk within a week or two of following the diet and exercising. Weight loss or rather fat loss, as we insists, is a by-product. So first thing you do: throw that weighing scale out. What we track are your efforts, results just follow.

I have tried a lot of diets in the past but nothing has worked. How is your program different from other diet programs ?

Our ideology is to help you evolve an eating pattern that fits into your work schedule and lifestyle so that there is no question of going "on" or "off" the diet. We work at educating our clients to understand their body's requirements and to enable them to get in touch with their digestive system so that eventually they are able to evolve their own eating pattern, overcome the fears & myths associated with certain foods and are able to free themselves from the need to fit into a size or shape. Ours is a 'get fit' or a 'lose fat' program, not a 'weight-loss' one.

I am a non-veg/ pure veg. Will the diet plan accommodate that?

There is no bias towards non-veg or veg diet. The basic idea is to have an eating plan that will stay true to your likes and dislikes and hence is doable.

How do I make payment?

Mode of payment is similar to anyother online website i.e E commerce. You can use your debit card/ credit card or net banking to do the payment process.